Military Specific Policies

Supporting Military Members and Veterans

At Hawkeye, we’re here to support you—whether you’re a military member, veteran, or part of a military family. We understand the unique challenges you may face, and our policies are designed to make sure you have access to the resources, benefits, and support you need to succeed. From priority registration to tuition assistance and personalized support services, we’re committed to honoring your service and helping you reach your academic and personal goals.

This policy applies to students who are United States Military Services members that are called to active duty during the semester and their spouses who have dependent children.

Students and spouses service members who receive a call to active duty and who have dependent children must submit a copy of the activation orders in order to be considered for the policy. The date the student is ordered to active duty will be the date used for the policy.

Withdrawing From Classes

  • Students (and affected spouse) that are called to active duty prior to the 2/3 point in their classes: Students are given a Status of “W” and a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees unless the class has not yet started (8-week). In that case, the class would be given a status of an “X”. Students will still be responsible for any books or tools that were purchased and not returned.
  • Students (and affected spouse) called to active duty after the 2/3 point in their classes: Students will have the choice of receiving the grade they are currently earning based on all work due at the time of activation or a “W” status for either individual enrolled courses or all enrolled courses. If students choose to receive the grade, tuition and fees will not be refunded. If they choose to receive a “W”, a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees will be granted. Students will still be responsible for any books or tools that were purchased and not returned.

Your Financial Aid

Students with financial aid will have the return calculation done as of the activation date with normal procedures to follow for R2T4.

If the financial aid return calculation requires that financial aid funds be returned to the Department of Education and the student has received a credit balance check, the student will be responsible for repaying Hawkeye Community College.

For students owing a balance as a result of returning financial aid, the Business Office will make payment arrangements with the students. They will not be turned over for collection and they will not be stopped from registering in subsequent terms upon their return as long as payment arrangements were made and adhered to agreed arrangements.

Hawkeye Community College acknowledges and appreciates the important contributions of our students who have served or are currently serving in our military. In order to support these students, Hawkeye Community College pledges to make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for students who must be absent from class due to military obligations or required medical treatment for service-connected conditions.

The policy will provide that students shall not be penalized for class absences due to military obligations or required medical treatment for service connected conditions. Faculty will provide reasonable accommodations to make up missed work. These accommodations may include a selection of comparable coursework as agreed upon by the faculty.

If all students have the right to drop a test/quiz grade, military-related absences will not constitute the dropped test and make-up tests unless the student chooses to use this option.

Both student and instructor must agree that the length of the absence is reasonable given the type and structure of the course. Student and instructor will sign a plan which details expectations for successful completion of coursework. In situations where the length of absences is detrimental to the student’s ability to successfully complete the agreed upon plan and remain current with coursework, it may be within the students’ interest to withdraw.

Procedures and Documentation

In the case of military training or drill periods, the student should disclose the leave schedule to the instructor as soon as the unit provides such documentation. We understand that training schedules are subject to change and if a change occurs, the student should submit a memorandum from the reservist’s unit to the faculty member. A full eight hours shall be excused before or after the military training or medical treatment to allow for travel time, if travel is required.

In the case of medical treatment, documentation of a VA appointment may be requested to validate the reason for the absence. Documentation should be provided directly to the instructor or through the Military and Veterans Services office. If the student chooses to submit it to the Military and Veterans Services office, the Military and Veterans Services office will notify the instructor of the legitimacy of these absences.

If the student chooses to withdraw due to lengthy military training obligations or extended medical treatment during the semester, they should be directed to the Military and Veterans Services office to proceed with the Military Activation withdrawal or other necessary procedures.

Hawkeye Community College will assist military and spouse students register for classes in the event the student will miss their opportunity due to military obligation.

Examples of assistance include scheduling conflicts with drill, training, or transit to and from deployments or duty stations where the student will miss his/her window to register for classes.

Military and spouse students can initiate this process by contacting the Veterans Services Office.

Hawkeye Community College will promptly readmit a service member with the same academic status that the student had when last attending school or accepted for admission to the school. This requirement supersedes state law to include readmitting to the next class even if that class is at the maximum enrollment level set by the state.

In accordance with the eligibility requirements of the federal government, students who receive veterans benefits must meet academic standards in order to continue to receive these benefits.

Academic progress is assessed each term. Students are expected to achieve at least a 2.00 each term in order to remain in good standing for benefits.

A student who does not meet this minimum standard will be placed on academic probation. The student is still eligible to receive veterans benefits during the probationary term.

A student on probation whose semester GPA and cumulative GPA are at least a 2.00 or better will be returned to good standing.

A student on probation whose semester GPA is a 2.00 or better but the cumulative GPA is below a 2.00 will remain on probation and be eligible for veterans benefits.

A student on probation whose semester GPA and cumulative GPA is below a 2.00 will be placed on suspension for veterans benefits. A student with an academic suspension status is not eligible to receive veterans benefits.

This policy only affects students using veterans benefits. If a student is also receiving federal financial aid assistance, the student must meet the academic standards for financial aid which includes progress towards a degree.

Appeals of Veterans Administration Suspension

A student may submit a written appeal if there are extenuating circumstances such as a serious illness, death of a relative, job changes, etc. that prevented the student from meeting the minimum standards. Documentation will be expected. You must notify the College’s VA Certifying Official as soon as possible in order to file an appeal.

Students who successfully appeal will be placed back on probation and are expected to attain at least a 2.00 GPA in that term.

The cost per credit hour a student pays while attending Hawkeye Community College is based on their residency status. The following residency policies apply to veterans and military service members.

Federal Personnel Residency Status

A person and his/her spouse, who has moved into the state of Iowa as the result of military or civil orders from the federal government, and the minor children of such persons, are entitled to immediate Iowa residency status.

Veterans Residency Status

A veteran of military service or National Guard, or his/her spouse or dependent child shall be classified as a resident if the veteran is domiciled in Iowa and one of the following conditions is met:

  1. The veteran has separated from a U.S. military force with an honorable discharge or a general discharge, is eligible for benefits, or has exhausted benefits, under the federal Post-9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any other federal authorizing veteran educational benefits program.
  2. The individual is an active duty military person, or activated or temporarily mobilized National Guard member.

To be eligible for the exemption, a dependent child must be claimed as a dependent on an eligible veteran’s internal revenue service tax filing for the previous year.

Armed Forces Active Duty Residency Status

A member of the armed forces who is on active duty or for a period of 30 days or more is eligible for in-state resident tuition. Spouses and dependent children of the veteran also qualify.

Principles of Excellence

On April 27, 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13607; Establishing the Principles of Excellence for educational institutions service members, veterans, spouses, and other family members. Hawkeye Community College is committed to full compliance with the principles to provide an exceptional experience of support for our military-connected students.

  1. Provide students with a personalized form covering the total cost of an education program.
  2. Provide educational plans for all military and Veteran education beneficiaries.
  3. End fraudulent and aggressive recruiting techniques and misrepresentations.
  4. Accommodate Service members and Reservist absent due to service requirements.
  5. Designate a point of contact to provide academic and financial advice
  6. Ensure accreditation of all new programs prior to enrolling students.
  7. Align institutional refund policies with those under Title IV, which governs the administration of federal student financial aid programs.

The College Financing Plan allows students the tools and resources to easily compare institutions and make informed decisions. Hawkeye Community College provides this consumer information initially through a Welcome email with links to the Financial Aid Shopping Sheet and other valuable resources for consumer information.

Explore Hawkeye's Programs of Study and view the Suggested Sequence of Study to find the program that's right for you. Current students can refer to their Degree Audit to see their specific program requirements and ensure proper registration.

Hawkeye Community College does not participate in high-pressure recruitment or marketing tactics to include those efforts toward recruitment of service members, veterans, or their family members. Hawkeye Community College does not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollment, any type of federal financial aid, or any educational funds awarded to service members, veterans, or their families. Hawkeye Community College forbids inducements to any individual or entity other than salaries paid to employees or appropriate and normal fees paid to contractors for any activities for securing enrollment of any service member or their family member.

The Office of Military and Veterans Services, managed by the veterans services coordinator is the primary contact for all military-connected students to provide assistance with various aspects of the higher education experience. The student has access to knowledgeable staff to instruct them on TA program, state TA, VA Education benefits, dependent benefits, Federal Financial Aid, and scholarships. The veterans services coordinator is responsible for helping students with referrals as necessary for support and academic assistance as well as other assistance on campus and in the community.

For students and their family members, Hawkeye Community College’s Military Activation Policy addresses situations when a student whose military obligations may necessitate a period of absence from their academic program. This policy makes accommodations and provides for readmission.

Federal Tuition Assistance refund policies align with the return of unearned student aid rules applicable to the Federal Student Aid guidelines under the Department of Education Title IV.

Contact Military and Veteran Services

Veterans Services Coordinator

Jeremy Rosel
Main Campus
Brock Student Center 113
319-296-2329 ext.1212
800-670-4769 ext.1212
Email Jeremy Rosel

Schedule an Appointment

Brock Student Center

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Thursday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday 7:30 AM – 3:30 PM

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